The challenges of building modern nuclear power plants in the XXIst century.
Share on LinkedIn 1. Introduction The schedule and cost overruns of recent nuclear new build projects with Generation III reactors...
Jan Bartak, Noël Camarcat, NucAdvisor
19 min read

NucAdvisor acquired MEDraysintell to expand its activities in Nuclear Medicine Consulting Services.
Share on LinkedIn MEDraysintell and NucAdvisor, an independent nuclear consulting company, subsidiary of Soletanche Freyssinet (VINCI...
NucAdvisor and MEDraysintell
2 min read

Stress Corrosion Cracking on French NPPs – an overview
Share on LinkedIn Abstract: The paper provides an overview of the stress corrosion cracking phenomena first detected on certain reactors...
Jan Bartak and Noël Camarcat
15 min read

The revival of nuclear power in Europe
Share on LinkedIn This paper is an English version of the paper published in French on the website of the association “Le Pont”...
J. Bartak
14 min read

Nuclear energy – an opportunity for Europe?
Share on LinkedIn This paper is an extended version of a presentation made at the conference ''Nuclear energy – an opportunity for...
Jan Bartak
12 min read

Positioning the Mechanical Codes and Standards (Example of the RCC-M)
Share on LinkedIn Any nuclear project must comply with the nuclear regulation of the country where the equipment will be built and...
Philippe Malouines
7 min read

Nuclear Power in France and its Contribution to Reaching EU’s Climate Objectives
Share on LinkedIn Abstract : In this paper we provide a brief overview of the French nuclear program that was successfully implemented in...
Jan Bartak and Noël Camarcat
21 min read

All global powers bet on nuclear energy. Will the European Union jump on the train?
Share on LinkedIn Introduction Historically, the United States, Europe and Japan have been leaders in nuclear power generation...
J. Bartak, Chairman at NucAdvisor
16 min read

When ionising radiation ends up saving lives
Share on LinkedIn Nuclear physics developments during the last century contributed to major technological advances in the energy,...
Nicolas Mario, Consultant at NucAdvisor
10 min read

Can Emerging Economies Continue Their Development Without Nuclear Power? - Part 3
Share on LinkedIn In Part 1 of this paper we have assessed the amount of electricity that would need to be generated in emerging...
J. Bartak, Partner at NucAdvisor
6 min read

Can Emerging Economies Continue Their Development Without Nuclear Power? - Part 2
Share on LinkedIn In Part 1 of this paper we have assessed the amount of electricity that would need to be generated in emerging...
J. Bartak, Partner at NucAdvisor
8 min read

Can Emerging Economies Continue Their Development Without Nuclear Power? - Part 1
This paper develops arguments to answer the question formulated in the heading. It will be presented in 3 parts. In this Part 1 we assess...
J. Bartak, Partner at NucAdvisor
14 min read

Can hydrogen replace nuclear as a carbon-free energy?
Today, hydrogen is highly praised by politicians as the energy of the future. Indeed, hydrogen is not a primary energy but a vector of...
Author : Dominique Vignon
5 min read

How Nuclear Reactors Became Big…
Once upon a time, all nuclear reactors were small; then, the natural selection process began, and today they are big. But there has...
Author : Alain Vallée
7 min read